Chip Tarver's Podcasting and Vodcasting News

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Podcast and Vodcast News 3 - Java Podcasters

The Java Podcasters, Part 1

by Chris Adamson

Listen and you'll hear the voices of Java: talking about success stories and embarrassing failures, great innovations and over-engineered monstrosities. This could easily describe the realm of Java blogging, but now it applies to the audio space as well. In the last year, a number of Java-related podcasts have sprung up across the Web. The Java podcasters employ a variety of formats--one guy's opinions, group conversations, interviews with prominent developers and authors--to say nothing of sub-topics, rants, reactions, and audible musings.

All you need to listen to a podcast is an MP3 player--iPods are nice, but your PC will do just fine--and the RSS feeds to get the new shows to you. In this article, we're highlighting five interesting Java-related podcasts with brief interviews of the podcasters. As you'll see, the field has already diversified, so tune in to discover something that might just catch your ear.

This week, we talk with the voices of two of the best-known Java podcasts: The Java Posse and Swampcast. Next week, we'll continue with three more Java podcasts you might not know about, but should.

For the rest of the story, go to

More soon -
Chip Tarver