Chip Tarver's Podcasting and Vodcasting News

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Podcast and Vodcast News 10 - That Podcasting Thing

There May Be Something to That Podcasting Thing

From the advertiser perspective, podcasting presents some major reach opportunities -- for example, buying ads at radio prices, or even lower, that can be heard around the globe -- and some truly impressive metrics challenges. Chief among the latter are how to buy and place the ads themselves, and how to determine what kind and size audience you're buying, and whether they even heard your ad.

Those with a scholarly bent probably realized that podcasting was big-time in December, when the New Oxford American Dictionary named "podcast" as the 2005 Word of the Year.

For the rest of the story, go to


More soon -
Chip Tarver
chip at firstcontactsecrets dot com